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The Long View - Getting Beyond the Panic and the Drama of Todays Headlines

Author :  J.P. Landman

Product Details

South Africa
Jacana Media, South Africa
ISBN 9781920292102
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2013
Bib. Info 136p.;
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Is South Africa going to make it? Are we going to become a shining example of a modern society, a proud member of the world's leading countries? Are we going to be OK? Are we already OK? Or are our worst fears going to become reality? That despite being geographically and culturally one of the most amazing countries in the world, we're going one way, straight down, all the way? Are we becoming a failed state? That's the question South Africans ask themselves now and then. And that's the question I would like to answer in this book. I want to answer the question simply but compellingly. I don't want my answer to be a thumb-suck or a knee-jerk reaction. Nor do I want to be an optimist or a pessimist. I want to be a realist. As an economist, that's what I am. I let the facts speak. I would like to give you long-term, good, solid facts. An informed view. I call it the Long view. I base it on the stuff that transcends the daily drama we see on TV and in the newspapers. It's information that you can hold on to. Something that gives you a proper understanding of the realities of South Africa. Next time you're standing around a braai or sitting around a dinner table and some okie starts gaaning aan about the latest drama, you don't need to go into a tailspin yourself. Give him five facts. Then carry on making the most of your meal. And this country.

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