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# 329421
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Rabbinic Authority : The Vision and the Reality : Halakhic Divorce and the Agunah – Beit Din Decisions in English, Volume 3

Author :  A Yehuda (Ronnie) Warburg

Product Details

Urim Publications, Jerusalem
ISBN 9789655242515
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2017
Bib. Info 368p.
Product Weight 770 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

In the third volume of his groundbreaking series on rabbinic authority in English, Rabbi Warburg discusses the ramifications of a Jewish divorce. In this well-composed monograph, Rabbi Warburg primarily focuses on the case of the modern day agunah, a wife who is unable to get divorced due to her husband’s recalcitrance. He addresses the various techniques, such as obligating the giving of a get (Jewish divorce document), finding relief for an agunah who signed an exploitative agreement, and listing different avenues to void a marriage (bitul kiddushin) used by the rabbinical court. This issue is of some controversy in the Jewish community, and there is heated debate about it.

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