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Language and the Construction of Multiple Identities in the Nigerian Novel

Author :  Romanus Aboh

Product Details

South Africa
NISC (Pty) Ltd., (for African Humanities Program), South Africa
ISBN 9781920033293
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2018
Bib. Info xviii, 154p. ; 244x 170mm. Includes Index ; Bibliography
Product Weight 350 gms.
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Product Description

Language and the construction of multiple identities in the Nigerian novel examines the multifaceted relation between people and the various identities they construct for themselves and for others through the context-specific ways they use language. Specifically, this book pays attention to how forms of identities – ethnic, cultural, national and gender – are constructed through the use of language in select novels of Adichie, Atta and Betiang. Employing an interdisciplinary approach, this book draws analytical insights from critical discourse analysis, literary discourse analysis and socio-ethno-linguistic analysis. This approach enables the author to engage with the novels, to illuminate the link between the ways Nigerians use language and the identities they construct. Being a context-driven analysis, this book critically scrutinises literary language beyond stylistic borders by interrogating the micro and macro levels of language use, a core analytical paradigm frequently used by discourse analysts who engage in critical discourse analysis.

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