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The Impermanence of Lilies

Author :  Daniel Yeo

Product Details

Ethos Books, Singapore
ISBN 9789811414787
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2019
Bib. Info 264p.
Product Weight 320 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

The captain of the Titanic went down with his ship on 15 April, 1912. But thoughts have power, and those who endure in the stories of the living are said to continue to roam the world after their deaths. And so the captain wanders in search of the things he tried to find in life, and discovers his destiny intimately entwined with a painter who shares the same fate, not knowing that their paths had crossed a long time ago.
The Impermanence of Lilies is a melancholic tribute to the nature of life and a yearning for love, in a story that reaches across lifetimes, borders, and the space between two hearts.

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