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# 685290
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What Remains : A Play in One Act

Author :  Nadia Davids with notes on the choreography by Jay Pather

Product Details

South Africa
WITS University Press, South Africa
ISBN 9781776142774
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2019
Bib. Info xxxvi, 48p.
Product Weight 150 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

What Remains is a fusion of text, dance and movement to tell a story about the unexpected uncovering of a slave burial ground in Cape Town, the archaeological dig that follows and a city haunted by the memory of slavery. When the bones emerge from the ground, everyone in the city - slave descendants, archaeologists, citizens, property developers - is forced to reckon with a history sometimes remembered, sometimes forgotten. Loosely based on the events at Prestwich Place, What Remains is a path between memory and magic, the uncanny and the known, waking and dreaming. Four figures - The Archaeologist, The Healer, The Dancer and The Student - move between bones and books, archives and madness, paintings and protest, as they struggle to reconcile the past with the now.

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