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# 149112
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Nagarathars in Singapore

Author :  SP. Thinnappan & Soundara Nayaki Vairavan

Product Details

Navaso Pte Ltd, Singapore
ISBN 9789810872052
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2010
Bib. Info 140p. ; 22 x 31cm.
Product Weight 860 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Nagarathars (Chettiars) are one of the first merchant communities to arrive in Singapore to do business in 1824 from Chettinad of Tamil nadu, South India. This book deals with the Nagarathar’s name and history, earlier economic activities, kittangi life, social life, festivals, ceremonies, costumes and food, ornaments, Associations and groups.

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