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Insurgent Intellectual : Essays in Honour of Professor Desmond Ball

Author :  Brendan Taylor, Nicholas Farrelly & Sheryn Lee (Editors)

Product Details

ISEAS Publishing, Singapore
ISBN 9789814414623
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2013
Bib. Info x. 244p. ; 23cm.
Product Weight 356 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

With a distinguished career spanning more than four decades, Professor Desmond Ball is one of the world's greatest scholars of strategy and defence, Australia's home-grown giant. In this collection of essays, leading political, media and academic figures, including former United States President Jimmy Carter, pay tribute to his remarkable contributions. From a base at the Australian National University in Canberra, Professor Ball has unflinchingly researched topics from Cold War nuclear strategy and the defence of Australia to spy scandals and Southeast Asian paramilitaries. His roaming intellect, appetite for getting the facts and commitment to publishing on sensitive topics ensure he is a towering figure who has provided impeccable service to Strategic Studies, the Asia-Pacific region and the Australian community.

Content Details

1. Security International 2. Security International ? Pacific Area 3. Australia ? Strategic aspects 4. Australia ? Defences 5. Australia ? Military policy 6. Nuclear warfare ? Prevention

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