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# 210815
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Legal Terminology : Criminal law, Procedure and Evidence/ Regsterminologie : Straf-, Strafproses- en Bewysreg

Product Details

South Africa
Juta, South Africa
ISBN 9781485107163
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2015
Bib. Info xxv, 634p. 35cm.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Legal language, or ‘legalese’ as it is sometimes called, is a language that many people find hard to understand. This s because some of the words and phrases that lawyers and there legal experts use do not form part of regular everyday communication. However, when these experts speak and write Using unfamiliar language it is often because they have to: ‘ordinary’ language cannot properly or accurately describe the often complex concepts and issues involved.

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