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Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts : Codices Persici, Codices Eyseriani, Codex Persicus Add

Author :  Irmeli Perho

Product Details

NIAS Press
ISBN 9788776942168
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2017
Bib. Info 752 p,216 x 279 x 50.8mm
Categories Arts
Product Weight 2903 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

This catalog describes two collections of Persian manuscripts at the Royal Library, Copenhagen: 143 manuscripts originating mainly from India, 13 manuscripts collected by Johan S. Eyser in Turkey and one manuscript acquired by the Library in 1956. A large part of the Cod. Pers. collection is connected with India (the texts were copied in India or authored by Indian scholars or by Persian scholars who had settled in India). The manuscripts include poetry, history and medicine. The Eyser collection consists of classical Persian literature in prose and verse. Designed especially as an essential source of reference for scholars working in all aspects of manuscript studies, the catalog includes over 370 full-page illustrations (many in color) that help to identify the texts and give a glimpse of the calligraphic styles and decorative elements of the manuscripts. A companion volume to an earlier catalogue of the Royal Library's Persian holdings, this will be an essential reference work for many scholars, curators and other professionals working in Iranian and Islamic art history and/or manuscript studies.

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