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From the Fifty Janaka : Selections from the Thai Pannasa Jataka

Author :  Chris Baker & Pasuk Phongpaichit

Product Details

Silkworm Books, Thailand
ISBN 9786162151279
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2019
Bib. Info xxvi, 374p. ; 15x23cm. Includes Bibliography
Categories Religion - Buddhism
Product Weight 600 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

For over two thousand years, jataka—tales of the Buddha’s previous lives—have been popular as teaching and entertainment. Apart from the classical jataka from India, many other jataka appeared in Southeast Asia and were assembled in collections known conventionally as the “Fifty Jataka” (Pannasa Jataka). Once considered minor and apocryphal, they are now acclaimed as the lifeblood of the region’s literature. This book offers the first published translations in English of twenty-one stories from the Thailand collection. The selections include some of the best-known Thai stories, such as Sudhana- Manohara, the Golden Conch, and Rathasena (Twelve Sisters), among other adventurous quests, accounts of self-sacrifice, moral tales, strings of riddles, and story cycles. Here the tales are translated fully and faithfully in readable English prose with full annotation, an introduction on the background of the stories, and summaries of all sixty-one jataka in the Thailand collection.

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