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Bearing Witness : Poems from a Land in Turmoil

Author :  Joyce Ashuntantang and Dibussi Tande

Product Details

United States
Spears Books, Denver, USA
ISBN 9781942876540
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2020
Bib. Info xxiv, 204p. ; 229x152mm. ; B/W Illustrations
Categories Literature
Product Weight 400 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Bearing Witness: Poems from a Land in Turmoil is a poetic response to the devastating Anglophone Crisis/Ambazonian Conflict in Cameroon that has killed thousands of children, women and men, displaced over half a million people and left hundreds of communities in ruins. The poems in this volume capture an all-encompassing landscape marked by alienation, despair, displacement, loss, anger, trauma, as well as courage, hope, heroism, justice and resilience. These poems also engender psychic healing which has the potential of turning victims into survivors. With over 100 poems by 73 poets—seasoned and emerging, old and young, men and women—this collection is not only a guidepost of collective memory, but also the definitive literary work of this period in Cameroon’s checkered history.

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