Country | |
Publisher | |
Format | PaperBack |
Language | English |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Bib. Info | 1v. |
Product Weight | 220 gms. |
Shipping Charges(USD) |
Tanzania Human Rights Report looks at key rights in three generations of human rights, namely the first generation of human rights, which focuses on civil and political rights; the second generation of human rights, which focuses on economic, social and cultural rights; and the third generation of human rights, which are collective rights. The rights covered in this report are right to life; freedom of expression; rights to equality before the law and effective remedy; right to liberty and personal security; freedoms of assembly and association; right to take part in governance; right to education; right to health; right to water; right to work; right to development; right to enjoy and benefit from natural resources; freedom from discrimination; freedom from torture; and freedom from violence. Moreover, the rights of specific groups and issues that affect effective realization and enjoyment of their rights are also discussed in this report. Specific groups covered are women, children, persons with disabilities, the elderly and persons living with HIV/AIDS.