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# 799845
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Real Estate and Taxation in Singapore

Author :  Hong Beng Tay, Yew Kwong Leung & Wei Hwa See

Product Details

World Scientific Publishing, Singapore
ISBN 9789811226496
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info xvi, 620p. Includes Index.
Categories Law
Product Weight 1000 gms.
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Product Description

Real Estate and Taxation in Singapore provides a multi-disciplinary approach to the subject for Singapore real estate and tax aficionados. The book helps the reader to navigate the complex world of real estate taxation by taking them through the various changes in the Singapore real estate market over the years, as well as the property development and investment life cycle from acquisition and development, to investment and ownership, to disposal. The book primarily focuses on tax issues — income tax, stamp duty, property tax and goods and services tax — faced by property developers and investors in Singapore. It further explains the tax and non-tax aspects of topics relating to the Master Plan, development charge and differential premium, the real estate market cooling measures, as well as real estate investment trusts and funds. It is an all-in-one, 'must-have' reference book for professionals, policy-makers, academia, students and the general public who are interested in the field of real estate and taxation.

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