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Caves, Hidden Treasures of Turkey

Author :  Yasar Zengin and Mustafa Uzun (Ed)

Product Details

Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Ankara, Turkey
ISBN 9786257076081
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 204p.
Product Weight 2300 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Caves are the secret, mysterious and unique treasures of nature. Throughout history, humankind has always been excited to explore caves and protected and maintained them. Caves host many living creatures, especially humans, and protected them from the heat of summer and the cold of winter. Humankind produced their first art products in caves, painted pictures on their walls, and engraved their first writings and feelings into caves. Caves are not just rock cavities. On the contrary, they are historical attraction centers with their stories of millions of years. Again, they are natural wonders with their arms, ceilings, stalactites, rivers flowing through them and m magnificent lakes. Our caves are in need of protection as much as a river, a forest, a historical artifact deserves protection as they are the first houses of humanity.

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