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A Garden Guide to Native Plants of Coastal East Africa

Author :  Anne H. Outwater, Ilana M. Locker & Roy E. Gereau

Product Details

Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Ltd, Daresalaam, Tanzania
ISBN 9789987083985
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2019
Bib. Info iv, 252p.
Product Weight 850 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

A Garden Guide to Native Plants of Coastal East Africa outlines how and what to plant in order to rejuvenate the coastal East African ecosystem through gardens, school yards, roadways, and public places. The authors have selected some 60 indigenous species from the vast total based on hardiness, the ability to thrive under domestication, and protective value in restoration. The book serves as a robust reference for students and professionals to use in assessing sustainable horticultural practices along the coastal ecosystem from Somalia and Kenya, through Tanzania to Mozambique.

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