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Overview of Chinese Culture

Author :  毛海莹; 刘恒武 = Mao Haiying;Liu Hengwu

Product Details

ISBN 9787040595154
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info 235 p
Categories Sociology
Product Weight 510 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

The series Overview of Chinese Culture is divided into Chinese and English versions. It is a set of three-dimensional new-form textbooks written for international students in China. It is also suitable for overseas Chinese learners and those who have a strong interest in Chinese culture at home and abroad. This textbook selects knowledge related to Chinese culture, involving topics such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, social customs, cultural thoughts, etc. that are closely related to Chinese life. Feel the charm of Chinese culture, experience the feelings of Chinese culture, and provide powerful help for them to better solve cultural problems in real life.

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