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# 848048
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The Grand Canal (Chinese-English)

Author :  王清义 = Wang Qingyi

Product Details

ISBN 9787564945473
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 116 p
Categories History
Product Weight 240 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

The Origin of China·Henan Stories is a set of Chinese-English bilingual books that systematically translates and introduces excellent Chinese culture planned by the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office. and important entry points. This book is one of the series, with the theme of The Grand Canal, following the Implementation Plan for the Protection, Inheritance and Utilization of the Grand Canal Culture in Henan Province, and adhering to the writing principle of inheriting the context of the canal, telling the story of the canal, and promoting the spirit of the canal. Using the combination method of point, line and surface, discuss the development history of the canal, the functional value of the canal, the cultural form of the canal and the Grand Canal going to the world, etc., and strive to make the sub-volume of The Grand Canal a strong support for the culture of the Central Plains to go out. Make positive contributions to making Zhongyuan more brilliant at home and abroad in the new era.

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