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Laozis Prose Poetry English Parallel Translation

Author :  连小珉; (英)达米安·弗朗西斯·皮尔森 = Lian Xiaomin; Damian Francis Pearson

Product Details

ISBN 9787302603375
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info 125 p
Categories Literature
Product Weight 280 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

This book is a sentence-by-sentence translation of the prose-poetic silk script Lao Tzu, an ancient classic from a simple and objective logical perspective, so as to obtain the modern prose poetry form of this work, so as to facilitate the understanding of the original text. purpose. The original text of the silk book Lao Tzu used in this book is formed by referring to the book Lao Tzu written by Mr. Liang Haiming. In this way, the original appearance of the original text is guaranteed as much as possible, and the changes that may be caused by countless transcriptions over the past two thousand years are avoided as much as possible. Some special words and sentences in the original text obtained in this article also refer to the book Laozi Collation of Silk Scripts by Mr. Gao Ming and the book Slips and Silk Collection (4) edited by Mr. Qiu Xigui. Therefore, the original text used in this article retains the basic original appearance of the first edition of the silk book Laozi, that is, no title, no paragraphs, no punctuation, and the content of the De section comes first, and the content of the Tao section follows. I hope that we can use the version as close as possible to the original version of Lao Tzu when it was written, and read the original text of Lao Tzu from a simple and objective logical perspective.

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