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Chinas Development Philosophy and Strategy:Interviews With Leading Chinese Academics

Author :  玛雅 = Maya X.Guo

Product Details

ISBN 9787119120645
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 552 p
Categories Economics
Product Weight 852 gms.
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Product Description

Through exclusive interviews with 9 well-known experts and scholars in various fields, this book comprehensively interprets the concept of governing the country and strategic layout since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Peoples livelihood protection, rule of law in China, cultural self-confidence, theoretical innovation, international and national security strategies, etc. These 9 experts used their academic expertise to deeply analyze the new situation, new problems and countermeasures in the process of exploring the road, theory and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics; It is of great significance to the realization of the Chinese dream; it accurately provides an authoritative interpretation of firm road confidence, theoretical confidence, institutional confidence, and cultural confidence. Their strong problem awareness, while inspiring readers to understand the current national conditions, truly reflects the responsibility for the future and destiny of the Chinese nation.

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