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Chinese Painting Master Wang Xijing(Hardcover)

Author :  倪娜 = Ni Na

Product Details

ISBN 9787119112633
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info 155 p
Categories Art
Product Weight 720 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Painter Wang Xijing advocates using spirit and monarch form, firmly grasping eyes, gestures, body posture and important details that are conducive to vividness, emphasizing the distinction between primary and secondary, detail and omission, details in facial gestures expressing emotions and omissions Clothes and crowns are detailed in the characters activities and their expectations and echoes, but less in the description of the environment. In terms of the relationship between the characters activities and the environment, lyrical works often use the creation of artistic conception to highlight the characters modality, and narrative works often use banners or long scrolls in the composition. , he is especially good at dividing space by environmental scenery or interior furnishings, and using the method of repeated main characters to describe the events that happened in the course of time one by one, breaking through the limitation of unified time and space. The brush and ink skills and techniques used in his figure paintings , in fine brushwork coloring, line drawing and small freehand brushwork, more emphasis is placed on the basic role of brushwork, and eighteen strokes were created for this. This book is written by Ni Na, a student of Wang Xijing, and describes Wang Xijings experiences and works in various periods in the form of biography.

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