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Looking Into China Through TCM Culture(Hardcover)

Author :  陈达灿 = Chen Dacan

Product Details

ISBN 9787119132082
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info 151 p
Categories Health & Medicine
Product Weight 496 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Traditional Chinese medicine is a great creation of the Chinese nation, a treasure of ancient Chinese science, and the key to unlocking the treasure house of Chinese civilization. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of the Chinese nation and has had a positive impact on the progress of world civilization. Starting from understanding the characteristics and wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, this book is divided into four chapters: Chinese civilization and traditional Chinese medicine, unique concept of traditional Chinese medicine, new force for epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic and development status and prospects of traditional Chinese medicine. He introduced the historical development of traditional Chinese medicine, the Chinese philosophy contained in traditional Chinese medicine, the unique concept of traditional Chinese medicine that focuses on preventive treatment of diseases, the contribution of traditional Chinese medicine in fighting malaria and the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and the policies and measures for the development of traditional Chinese medicine in China. As well as international exchanges and cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine, etc., to help readers better understand and understand traditional Chinese medicine.

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