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Globalization and Cultural Self-Awareness: Fei Xiaotongs Later Writings

Author :  费孝通 = Fei Xiaotong

Product Details

ISBN 9787521329254
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 393 p
Categories Literature
Product Weight 528 gms.
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Product Description

This book mainly collects related papers and speeches written by Mr. Fei Xiaotong from the early 1990s to the early 21st century, that is, the ten years before his death. It is divided into four parts according to the content. In the first part, Mr. Fei Xiaotong narrated how, under the background of globalization, human society will achieve a political situation where beauty and beauty are shared and harmonious but different civilizations coexist through mutual respect. In the second part, Mr. Fei Xiaotong perfected the concept of cultural self-awareness he put forward, and further discussed how China will meet the challenge of globalization, integrate into the international community through cultural self-awareness, and achieve the goal of independent transformation. In the third part, Mr. Fei Xiaotong discussed the characteristics of Chinese civilization from different aspects, and expected that Chinese civilization will make new contributions in the new historical turning point of human society. The fourth part has four articles. The first two mainly talk about how to re-understand the relationship between man and nature, man and society, and man and himself in the context of globalization, and how these mutual relations face a new challenge. new challenges; the latter two mainly discuss the new missions, new research directions and horizons faced by sociological anthropology in the new social and historical turning point, and hope that through these professional academic research, for The coexistence of civilizations in the world and the conscious development of human culture make scientific conclusions.

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