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Contemporary Chinas Diplomacy

Author :  张清敏 = Zhang Qingmin

Product Details

ISBN 9787508542461
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 259 p
Categories Politics
Product Weight 412 gms.
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Product Description

This book introduces the purpose and principles of contemporary Chinas diplomacy, the layout of Chinas diplomacy, Chinas multilateral diplomacy, the innovation of Chinas diplomacy, and the expansion of Chinas diplomacy, reflecting the new concept and new pattern of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The Contemporary China series includes 8 volumes, based on distinctive Chinese values ??and concepts, covering economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological Civilization construction and other five aspects, comprehensively introduce the basic situation of the main aspects of contemporary China and the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Chinas diplomacy not only has the common and international characteristics of diplomatic practice, but also has the characteristics of Chinas nation and culture. Contemporary Chinas Diplomacy introduces the purpose and principles of contemporary Chinas diplomacy, the layout of Chinas diplomacy, Chinas multilateral diplomacy, the innovation of Chinas diplomacy, and the expansion of Chinas diplomacy, reflecting the new ideas and new concepts of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era pattern. This book introduces the development and changes of Chinas diplomacy as concisely and comprehensively as possible in the process of Chinas interaction with the world, expounds the development and changes of Chinas relations with major countries and regions in the world and the reasons, and Chinas position on major international issues. The positions and policies have demonstrated the distinctive features of Chinas diplomacy.

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