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Cultural Symbols of China:The Great Wall,Ancient China and Homeland

Author :  魏敏; 刘晓涛 = Wei Min; Liu Xiaotao

Product Details

ISBN 9787508545486
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 270 p
Categories Art
Product Weight 532 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Do you know that there is a place called Badaizi, where the Great Wall and the church are nestled next to each other? Did you know that in Laoniuwan, the Great Wall blends with the Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese nation? Did you know that on the Great Wall of Xishuiyu, the beauty of spring is like a peach blossom garden? The two authors combined history and reality, humanities and scenery, official history and legends, materials and practices, and showed us a different Great Wall, a more vivid one, with witty language, exquisite pictures, and unique ideas. , the Great Wall of flesh and blood.

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