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China in History and Reality: How China Has Come All This Way

Author :  刘志新 = Liu Zhixin

Product Details

ISBN 9787508546599
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 256 p
Categories Politics
Product Weight 542 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

The China Reader series includes 11 volumes, answering one by one How China has come all the way, What kind of party is the Chinese Communist Party, What kind of road is the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, What kind of dream is the Chinese dream A series of questions such as what kind of democracy is Chinas democracy and what era is China in now help readers understand the basic system and development trend of contemporary China, and understand contemporary China more comprehensively and objectively. This book presents Chinas history and current situation in a panoramic way, focusing on the great achievements of the Chinese people in revolution, construction and reform under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the great historical process of the Chinese nation from standing up, getting rich and becoming strong. The author tells readers about Chinas past, present and future in plain, vivid and accurate language.

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