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Embracing a New World:The Story of Hsue-shen Tsien and an Era (English Edition)

Author :  钱学森智库 = The Hsue-shen Tsien Think Tank

Product Details

ISBN 9787508546834
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 198 p
Categories Biography/Memoirs
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Qian Xuesen is an outstanding scientist well-known at home and abroad, the pioneer and founder of Chinas aerospace industry, and is known as the King of Rockets, Father of Chinas Missiles and Father of Chinas Aerospace Industry. The Qian Xuesen Think Tank compiled by this book is an institution specialized in the study of Qian Xuesens life and his important thoughts, with a large amount of authoritative and detailed first-hand information. As a biography, this book presents the different stages of his legendary life in a true and complete way, showing his dedication to Chinas aerospace industry and his indelible historic contributions. This book has the rigor and readability of biography.

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