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# 848265
USD 35.80 (Book Not in Ready Stock, will take 45-60 days to source and dispatch)
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How the CPC Exercise the Rule by Law? (English Edition)

Author :  戴木才 = Dai Mucai

Product Details

ISBN 9787508542713
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info 360 p
Categories Politics
Product Weight 486 gms.
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Product Description

The Communist Party of China adheres to the combination of the rule of law and the rule of virtue in governing the country, which is not only in line with the laws of human society development, the laws of socialist construction, and the laws of the Communist Party of China, but also a way of governing the country that is suitable for my countrys basic national conditions and has Chinese characteristics. On the basis of a deep grasp of the development history and dialectical relationship between rule of law and rule of morality, the book systematically expounds the basic connotation, theoretical support and important ways of combining rule of law and rule of morality, and integrates rule of law and rule of morality. The history, theory and practice of governance are organically combined. The whole book pays attention to the combination of theory and practice, history and reality, explanation and examples. The writing is fluent, the expression is fluent, the readability is strong, and the illustrations and texts are abundant. It is a popular theoretical reading material with unified content and form.

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