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The Challenges and Glory: The Journey of the Chinese Womens Volleyball Team

Author :  马寅 = Ma Yin

Product Details

ISBN 9787508545998
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info 245 p
Categories Sports
Product Weight 412 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Why did Lang Ping come out, how did Zhu Ting grow into the worlds No. 1 main attacker, from the worst record in 38 years to three world championships in five years, how did this team overcome obstacles and go bright? The author has followed and interviewed the Chinese womens volleyball team for a long time, and witnessed the womens volleyball team. , grow and take off. This book truly and vividly records the process of Lang Ping returning to lead the womens volleyball team back to the top. Many chapters in the book are touching. This is a history of womens volleyball struggle. The spirit of the womens volleyball team is the fighting spirit of the Chinese nation!

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