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A Nostalgic Glimpse into Colors in Chinese Poetry

Author :  有期 = You Qi

Product Details

ISBN 9787508548500
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info 32 p
Categories Literature
Product Weight 310 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

China is one of the earliest nations in the world who know how to use colors. There are moving colors everywhere in the four seasons, solar terms, heaven and earth, and life. Our ancestors extracted colors from nature and used them in porcelain, clothing, painting, architecture, etc. Every aspect of life forms the Chinese color that has been handed down to this day. Plum dye, blush, rouge, moon white, light cloud, green wave, beauty festival, pomegranate skirt...every name about color sounds beautiful. This book seeks and extracts 48 traditional Chinese colors from ancient Chinese paintings, together with the corresponding Chinese-English version of ancient poems, to create an ancient and elegant style. The combination of ancient colors, ancient poems, and ancient paintings fully embodies Chinese aesthetics, vividly depicting the beauty of poetic grace and abundance.

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