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Tianfu Culture·Charming Chengdu

Author :  西南交通大学出版社 = Anonymous

Product Details

ISBN 9787564380649
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 144 p
Categories Sociology
Product Weight 422 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

This book is an English version of the work introducing Tianfu culture. Chengdu, Sichuan has the reputation of Land of Abundance, so Sichuan local culture, especially Chengdu local culture is called Tianfu culture. Excavating and sorting out Tianfu culture, inheriting and developing Chinas excellent traditional culture It is of great significance. The manuscript presents the Tianfu culture where historical culture and modern civilization complement each other from the aspects of impression Sichuan, modern city, humanistic Sichuan, religious buildings in Sichuan, joy in Sichuan, and folk culture in Sichuan. This book focuses on commercial landmarks such as Taikoo Li and Chunxi Road, ancient cultural heritage such as Sanxingdui Museum and Jinsha Site, tourist attractions and cultural landmarks such as Du Fu Thatched Cottage, Dujiangyan, Wuhou Temple, Kuanzhai Alley, Jianmen Pass, Qingcheng Mountain and Emei Mountain. Such as Taoist and Buddhist holy places, Sichuan cuisine such as hot pot and Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan opera, Sichuan embroidery and other intangible cultural heritage, etc. The language of the book is concise, the pictures are exquisite, the layout is lively, and the readability is strong.

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