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People First: Political Commitment of the Century-old Communist Party of China

Author :  新华社人民标尺课题组 = Anonymous

Product Details

ISBN 9787516659786
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 156 p
Categories Politics
Product Weight 528 gms.
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Product Description

After long-term and in-depth investigations and research by the National High-End Think Tank Research Group of Xinhua News Agency and extensive interviews with domestic and foreign experts, scholars and relevant people, the report The Peoples Ruler: The Political Standing of the Communist Party of China from the Perspective of a Century of Struggle (Chinese and English versions) was released to the public on June 28. Global release. The report strives to use academic paradigms, centering on the theme of the country is the people, and the people are the country, the main line of the relationship between the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people, based on a comparative political perspective, discusses why the Chinese people choose the Communist Party of China and how the Communist Party of China represents The people” and “what the Communist Party of China has contributed to the cause of human progress” and other issues, put forward the “people’s yardstick”, that is, “the people are the highest arbiter and final judge of our party’s work”, which is the standard for measuring the party’s ability to govern. The report believes that it is through the historical identification, value identification, performance identification and cultural identification of the Chinese Communist Party that the Chinese people have a deep emotional identification and then form a firm political party identification. In addition, the Communist Party of China has explored a path to solve many outstanding challenges facing the international community and build a community with a shared future for mankind from the three dimensions of promoting co-construction peace, beneficial development, and mutual learning civilization. The manuscript has been reviewed by the Central Party School.

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