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Richard Green in South African Film: Forging Creative New Directions

Author :  Keyan G Tomaselli & Richard Green

Product Details

South Africa
BestRed, South Africa
ISBN 9781928246602
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info xx, 276p. Includes Index
Categories Cinema/Film Studies
Product Weight 350 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Both a history and a critique of South Africa's film industry, this book recounts the long experience of filmmaker and producer Richard Green. Green's story—especially his work in forging the film initiative New Directions Africa—is emblematic of the struggles, negotiations, and competing ideologies that faced South Africa as it emerged from apartheid. He continues to be an essential part of what is now a burgeoning industry that not only supports the creative work of Africans, but is also seen as having an important role in the nation-building process.

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