Country | |
Publisher | |
ISBN | 9789719397953 |
Format | HardBound |
Language | English |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Bib. Info | 304p. ; 21.59x27.94cm. |
Categories | Cookbook |
Product Weight | 1500 gms. |
Shipping Charges(USD) |
There are about 700 recipes in this book, quite a feat when these are all from one person — Maria Ylagan Orosa — or inspired by her. Orosa is a much-neglected figure in Philippine history and culture. But while she was cited mainly for her work in the resistance against Japanese occupation, it is her collected recipes that is her better legacy. They are the result of her work as researcher and nutritionist at the Bureau of Science and Bureau of Plant Industry.
1. Gastronomy - Food History - Cookbook. 2. Food security. 3. Commemoration - Hero.