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Riwanda Before The Genocide: Catholic Politics And Ethnic Discourse In The Late Colonial Era

Author :  J.J. Carney

Product Details

Fountain Publishers, Uganda
ISBN 9789970196685
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2024
Bib. Info xi, 344p. Includes Index ; Bibliography
Product Weight 500 gms.
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Product Description

Between 1920 and 1994, the Catholic Church was Rwanda's most dominant social and religious institution. In recent years, the church has been critiqued for its perceived complicity in the ethnic discourse and political corruption that culminated with the 1994 genocide. In analyzing the contested legacy of Catholicism in Rwanda, Rwanda Before the Genocide focuses on a critical decade, from 1952 to 1962, when Hutu and Tutsi identities became politicized, essentialized, and associated with political violence.

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