Country | |
Publisher | |
ISBN | 9780473716349 |
Format | PaperBack |
Language | Maori And English |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Bib. Info | 126p. |
Categories | History |
Product Weight | 150 gms. |
Shipping Charges(USD) |
We are at a decisive moment as a nation, a time when the Treaty of Waitangi is being called into question. This bond of grace was signed nearly two hundred years ago by the representatives of two sovereign nations. It was agreed then that their respective peoples would live together in an interdependent unity of mutual respect for each other and for the treaty’s protocols. However, since 1840 that relationship has been under duress, and the compact often disregarded and dishonoured. Today, we stand at another decisive moment as a nation, a moment that calls for wise response. Without an understanding of its foundations, the treaty is in danger of becoming either an historical artifact or a legalistic charter of rights. Neither of these extremes will bring back the life that was hoped for at Waitangi in 1840. We need to consider: what is so special about this historic agreement? Is this a covenantal relationship? If such a relationship is broken, how can it be restored? What should our responses be? All these questions require us to pause, to ponder, and to act.