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Please Tell Me About The Trees: Exploring A Post – Apocalypytic New Zealand Through Story, Pictures And Poetry

Author :  Rod Mackenzie

Product Details

New Zealand
New Freedom Browns Bay, New Zealand
ISBN 9780473690007
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info 232p.
Categories Literature
Product Weight 400 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

What if several volcanic eruptions destroyed most of New Zealand’s North Island? The forests... gone. And most of the other flora. One small village is known to have survived in this bleak landscape. This is New Zealand after the lava. This is all that remains of New Zealand, thirty years after the volcanic explosions. Angus is a youngster who grows up here. How do you describe a forest, or even one mighty tree, to a person who has never seen one? Getting lost one day, he discovers trees without knowing what they are. The other villagers do not believe him, but he brings back proof: branches thick with leaves which the elders recognise. The villagers are unable to find the trees and Angus has forgotten the way.

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